Data Science

How to overlay shapefile data on PyGMT Maps

The PyGMT library in Python simplifies the creation of high-resolution topographic maps by providing built-in shorelines, country borders, and topographic data. By integrating geopandas, PyGMT enables users to overlay custom shapefile data, making it easy to highlight specific regions on a map. In this post, we demonstrate how to use county boundary data from Taiwan’s government portal to overlay on a high-resolution map of Taiwan, focusing on selected counties. This method provides a flexible, powerful approach for creating visually striking maps with customized geospatial information, applicable to various regions and datasets.

Understanding Docker: A Beginner’s Guide for Geophysics Students

a group of trucks parked next to each other in a parking lot
Docker is revolutionizing how we deploy and manage software applications, offering a simple and efficient way to ensure consistency across different environments. In this beginner-friendly guide, we break down the fundamentals of Docker, explore its key concepts, and walk you through creating your own Docker image using a simple Linux base. Whether you're just getting started with computational tools or looking to streamline your research workflows, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to harness the power of Docker in your geophysics studies.

Integrating MEMS Accelerometers and Broadband Seismometers: Challenges and Opportunities in Modern Seismology

While MEMS accelerometers offer advantages in cost, size, and deployment flexibility compared to traditional broadband seismometers, they face limitations in recording long-period seismic waves. The future of seismic instrumentation likely lies in integrating MEMS and broadband technologies, combining the high spatial resolution of MEMS sensors with the sensitivity and bandwidth of broadband seismometers to enhance seismic monitoring capabilities across different scales and frequency ranges.