In this article, we will learn how to visualize the great circle paths that traverse a designated region of interest using PyGMT. Understanding these paths is crucial for rigorous seismic tomography investigations, as they can provide insights into the subsurface structure below the select region of interest.
Explore the application of wavelet analysis on real-world geophysical datasets, like ENSO sea surface temperature and Indian monsoon rainfall. This post provides a comparison to Fourier analysis and includes Python code for easy replication.
An introduction to the basics of genetic algorithm along with a simple numerical example and solution of an earthquake location problem
Learn how to create visually compelling relief maps in Python by clipping topographic data to specific geographic boundaries, such as coastlines. This tutorial walks you through the process of using matplotlib and Basemap to focus your visualizations on land features within the Taiwan coastline, or alternatively, highlight bathymetric features by masking the land.
Bokeh is a robust Python library for creating interactive, visually appealing web visualizations without requiring JavaScript. It excels in interactivity, integration with web frameworks, customization, and performance. This tutorial covers installation, basic and advanced plotting, styling, data management, and layout configurations, providing a comprehensive guide for data scientists and developers.